Monday, March 29, 2010

Starting Out

So here goes my first blog entry. I have been thinking about starting one for months, but I just haven't found the time or the motivation. So here goes nothing. I cannot guarantee that it won't be terribly boring, but I need a place to vent. Once upon a time my venting place used to be Facebook, but lately it seems like everyone gets their feelings hurt if you say what you are really thinking. If you don't like someones politics or beliefs then get over it. That is the beauty of our country, we can express our beliefs and feelings. It gets ridiculous when people start defriending people because they don't like their political beliefs. I have this theory about politics and most beliefs for that matter. I am not going to try to change your views if you don't try to change mine. I don't hold it against you if you don't agree with me. If you disagree there is always a way to express your viewpoint without getting feelings hurt.
So I guess I should write a little about myself. I am a wife and mommy. I have two of the cutest and sweetest little kids around. A son (5) and a daughter (18 mo.) they keep me VERY busy. I stay at home with them, which usually leads to a slight case of insanity by the end of the day. I am an Army wife, which pretty much means I don't see my husband very much since he travels most of the time. My husband is very sweet and loving, but the complete opposite of me in many respects. I am sure you will get many posts on this topic. There is nothing like being married to an outdoor loving, hunter, fishing type when you don't really like bugs or sweating. It makes for lots of compromising. I have learned many new things in our 11 years of being together, some of which are great and some I prefer to block from my memory (deer hunting). All in all I lead a very blessed life.
Army wife...
I feel like this has come to shape a lot of who I have become in my adult life. It is not that I find my identity through the Army, but instead the experiences that I have had through the Army have made me become stronger. I moved twice when I was young and that was within a 20 minute drive. I never dreamed that I would be moving every couple of years (and this is on the conservative end) and living in places like El Paso, TX or Monterey, CA. I never dreamed that I would essentially be living as a single mother at times. There have been things I love about the military and things that I hate. I love the friendships that we have made along the way. I have met some of the most wonderful people in the military community and feel like we have made friends we will keep for life. I hate not being able to plan things far in advance. We have moved 5 times in the past 5 years!! I would love to know what it feels like to be able to unpack and not have to worry about repacking it the next year or to be able to plan a vacation in advance. Oh well, it is what it is and in the end I would not change it, except for my husband to be home a little more.
Okay, so this first post was about as random as they get, but I promise they won't all be this way. It is hard to get started and figure out what to say. Hopefully I didn't bore you too badly and you will come back again. Oh, and don't expect perfect grammar! I am REALLY bad with commas, so don't judge:)

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I like your first post! Can't wait to read more. And, a blog is a GREAT sanity saver, my friend! Welcome to the blogosphere...
